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Jo Ann Schneider
Writer and Kung Fu Fighter
11 January 2017
04 October 2016
YA/NA Book Giveaway
Who doesn't love a giveaway, right?
This month Fractured Memories, along with the other books pictured below, is part of an a amazing giveaway.
As you can see, there is a lot going on here.
Ten people will win a free paperback
One will win ten e-books
And one lucky winner will receive a $100 Amazon Gift Card.
You know, to feed your Amazon addiction. Because that's important.
20 September 2016
Hold Please
If you haven’t noticed, it’s been far too long since I’ve
posted here. A fact I’ve been studiously ignoring.
I had grand plans. I had visions of glory and amazing
content. I had, as usual, packed too much into my own schedule.
You see, I have a new website under construction.
almost finished, but not quite. I’ve been putting everything off until it’s
ready to go, but due to the complications that life is so adept at throwing at
us, the whole project is behind.
So, for now, I’ll say this:
Book three of my Jagged Scars Series is out.
Shattered Dreams hit Amazon last month.

Book four, Crippled Hope, should be out in early November.
It’s with my beta readers right now, and they always have amazing feedback,
giving you, the readers, an even better story than the one I had originally imagined.
Stay tuned, the website should be up in the next few weeks!
06 June 2016
Nasty Review or Critique? Take a Breath.
Twice a week my sisters and I go to my parent's house. My
mom has dementia, and my dad is still taking care of her, so we go over to make
sure my mom gets a good shower and my dad gets adult conversation.
If you've ever been alone with a couple of little kids for
days at a time, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Well, a few weeks ago, my twelve year old nephew came with
his mom. He had my book, Fractured
Memories, in his hand and a very serious look on his face.
I said, “What's up?”
He looked at me gravely and said, “Jo, I think I found a
mistake in your book.”
Now I'm thinking typo or something like that, so I shrugged
and said, “Probably, it's hard to get a perfect copy edit.”

So he sits up straight, wiggles his little butt, opens my
book—which he has two post it notes in—and starts to read this paragraph:
The man on the right
stepped in, so she went for him first. Before she got there, someone caught her
shoulder from behind. She and Pelton had run through this scenario a thousand
times. She ducked, swiveled around behind the man, wrapped her arms around his
neck and had both of her knives at his throat before he could do anything.
My nephew was confused. I can see why. Action scenes are
hard to describe in general, and it’s often better to be vague and let the
audience fill in the gaps. After I understood his question, which was about how
one second there was someone behind her and the next there wasn’t, I said, “Stand
up, we’ll play it out.”
So there we were, my oldest sister, my youngest nephew and I
all acting out a fight scene.
It’s a bit difficult to direct people when they don’t have
any fighting experience, but after a few tries, I lunged for my sister, and had
my nephew grab my shoulder from behind. Then I turned, went around him, got
behind him and crossed my wrists in front of his neck.
Poor kid was like, “Oh.”
I may have also impressed my sister.
We laughed and he showed me something else he didn’t like in
the book. I smiled and noted his comments.
I’ve taken all sorts of criticism about my books, and it’s
always tricky. Honestly, when my nephew started talking math talk I was
instantly irritated. Like a twelve year old knows more than I do about math,
and what did it have to do with my book? He was just trying to look smart in
front of everyone.
But I took a breath and shoved those thoughts aside and
asked him to explain. He’s not a strong reader yet, and what I took out of the
conversation was that he’s probably not quite ready for my writing style. Good
to know when parents ask me about it.
Either that or I could restructure my action scenes. Which I’ll also be looking at.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that a critique, no matter
where it comes from, can have some merit. But don’t listen to haters. They’re
just annoying.
09 May 2016
Meet the Snarky Jenniffer Wardell and Her Latest Release, Dreamless
Today we have the awesome Jenniffer Wardell and her latest baby, er, release, Dreamless.
Jennifer is a woman after my own, overly sarcastic taste. Her writing is both clever and fun. Dreamless is an imaginative retelling of Sleeping Beauty, only Elena's not asleep yet, and she's not about to go under without a fight. Cam is her fun, handsome bodyguard turned admirer, and he's ready to help in any way he can. Punching stuff is his specialty.
I put Jenniffer through my random interview questions. This is what she came up with:
If your enemies banished you to Hell, what
breakfast food would you be forced to eat every morning?
Black pudding, AKA blood sausage. I tried it
recently on a trip to Ireland, before I realized what was in it, and it takes
like the ghost of long-departed sausage, now haunting the husk of a burned-out
barn in the dead of night.
Valentine's Day, romance or horror?
Action, actually. I always want my sprays of
blood to come with epic sword swings, punches and explosions.
If you had a Darth Vader head stress ball,
would you actually squish it?
So much. And I would yell at Anakin as I did
it for screwing up three generations of people with his issues.
Could Cam from Dreamless beat Mr. Darcy from
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies in a fight?
If it was just a "look at how tough"
we are fight, I'm not sure – Mr. Darcy is terrifying, but he's forgotten how to
fight for fun. Cam is less intense, but he's been practicing with his siblings
for years.
If it was a fight to the death, Cam would win
because he'd cheat. And if that didn't look like it was going to work, Elena
would use magic to cheat for him.
Let's say you have to rewrite Dreamless as a
horror, give us a 3-5 sentence summary. Feel free to be gory.
The darkness has stalked Elena all her life,
the curse of a vengeful aunt who sees her entire existence as a betrayal. Now
that the clock is ticking down, she can feel the cold black claws of her fate
inch closer. Will she finally succeed in defeating it, or will the darkness
consume her completely?
What is your favorite moment of Dreamless?
That you can talk about.
I don’t know if I can pick an absolute
favorite moment, but one I really loved is when we see Elena sneak out of the
castle to go flying. Up until that point she’s seemed very reserved and
controlled in everything she does, but the flying scene is a chance for her to
let her more playful side come out where she doesn’t think anyone else can see
her. I liked Elena before that, but it was while I was writing that scene for
the first time that she really endeared herself to me.
What character would you want to spend the
day with? What would you do?
I’d love to have Elena teach me magic, or Cam
teach me swordfighting, but I’d also love to spend even a half-hour with Braith
(the undead wraith who’s like an uncle to Elena). I’d get to see a wraith,
which is cool, and I’d also get the magical discussion and see what kind of
gossip an undead magic user who’s been alive for centuries has up his sleeve.
Gloat. Why your book? What makes it awesome?
One, I don’t think there are enough fairy
tales out there that manage to be funny without turning into parodies, so I
feel like “Dreamless” and my other books fill in a nice little gap on people’s
bookshelves. Two, this is a version of “Sleeping Beauty” that really gives the
power back to the titular princess. In a lot of versions someone else has to
rescue her, but in “Dreamless” it ends up being Elena’s job to rescue herself.
She has people who love her and want to help, but in the end the real decision
is in her hands.
See! She's awesome. And her books are fantastic. Go read them, you'll laugh.
If you'd like to follow Jenniffer, start at her blog
You can find all the avenues of stalking her there.
18 April 2016
"Who Shall Conceive the Horrors of my Secret Toil?" How every book is a Frankenstein
The process of writing a book is eerily similar to creating
Dr. Frankenstein's monster:
"Who shall
conceive the horrors of my secret toil, as I dabbled among the unhallowed damps
of the grave, or tortured the living animal to animate the lifeless clay?"
"The dissecting
room and the slaughterhouse furnished many of my materials; and often did my
human nature turn with loathing from my occupation..."
What? You don't think creating a story is that intense? Allow
me to elaborate.
"Who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil...?"
When I started Fractured
Memories (Book 1) I needed something gruesome for the Skinnies to do to
themselves. To prove to the audience that they were both disgusting and insane.
Somewhere between the Reavers from Firefly
and a zombie. Tattoos were too boring and full-on maiming was too close to both
the Reavers and the Yuuzan Vong from the now abandoned Star Wars cannon. I
wanted something a little different.
So, I did what I always do, and initiated a series of Google
searches that led me to a technique called Scarification. Go ahead, type that
into Google and then go to the images. Toss Africa in there too.
Pretty interesting. Watch some of the videos, if you have a
strong stomach.
Then I saw one of a guy with a forked tongue.
Uh, yes, the process is, while probably painful, quite
simple. And if you put some effort into it, you can apparently control each
side separately. Google it. I dare you.
"...as I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave..."
Each of my stories starts one place and ends up in another.
I'm getting better at outlining, but it's still a long, grueling process for me
to write a book. Not to mention five of them in the same series. As I revise, I
dig through the old drafts looking for the bits and pieces that can be plucked
from their graves, dusted off, polished off and used again.
"...or tortured the living animal to animate the lifeless
I have tortured many a living animal to animate the lifeless
clay of my story. We'll start with my husband, who gets to put up with my pity
parties when things aren't going well in the writing world, as well as any
political or science questions I may have about my story.
If I'm feeling exceptionally hopeless, I drag the poor guy
to Sweet Tomato where we eat and talk until I'm satisfied that I've figured out
how to fix a plot problem. He usually has loads of suggestions, which I then
shoot down before getting to the answer that will work.
Then there are my beta readers. Some of them read three or
four drafts of New Sight, the first
novel I published. They continue to beta read for the Jagged Scars Series and
provide invaluable feedback.
"The dissecting room and the slaughterhouse furnished many of my
If I come to a pivotal moment in a story, and I'm not sure
what to do with the plot or the characters, I'll start a list of at least
twenty possibilities. They don't have to be good, or even reasonable—sometimes
I literally write "Ninja Monkey Attack"—but I have to jot down twenty.
Somewhere in that process, I find the idea that will either solve my problem or
lead me to the solution.
What's slaughterhouse about that? I always feel as if I am
bringing ideas to life only to kill them on the spot. Kind of eerie, if you
think about it.
"...and often did my human nature turn with loathing from my
The other day, a beta reader came back with a complaint that
my character didn't have a growth arc during a critical part of the story. She
was right—I hate it when she's right—and so I started thinking about how to
resolve it. Another beta reader gave me a suggestion, I twisted it and came up
with what I thought would be brilliant.
And it is brilliant!
But it might never see the light of day, because the
brutality of the scene is both graphic and spine tingling. The character
certainly snaps out of her old ways and decides to take a new path, but I'm not
sure it's appropriate for YA readers. But it's so dang good!
In the end, this is the description of Frankenstein's
“His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and
arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a
pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with
his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun white sockets
in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion, and straight black lips.”
Hopefully the finished product of my book is much less
horrifying than that!

Please check it out.
Fractured Memories(Jagged Scars Book 1) is on sale for 0.99 over at Amazon.
Goodreads is hosting a giveaway for Fractured Memories for a couple more days (See the widget at the
top of the blog)
Stay tuned for a giveaway for Severed Ties.
11 April 2016
A Little Something to Whet Your Appetite
With a week until Severed Ties comes out, I thought I would taunt you with the beginning of one of my favorite scenes.
This is a moment of levity in Wendy's world.
Well, if you can call getting shot at levity.
Wendy followed Jeff along the edge of the shield.
“What if there are people in here?” Jeff asked.
“Then we’re going to get shot,” Wendy said.
“I’ve always admired your honesty.”
“Gee, thanks.”
They each grabbed a few dirt clods, and every five feet threw them at the
shield. All of them disintegrated on contact.
The sun began to dip toward the mountain peaks behind them. Ten steps,
toss dirt, more steps, more dirt. Jeff followed behind her, testing the
sections she missed. They watched for natural barriers, but found nothing more
distinctive than trees.
“I wonder how far up it goes,” Jeff asked, craning his neck.
Wendy took another set of steps and stopped. “Farther than we can jump, I
“Too bad the transport broke down,” Jeff said.
“You think that was an accident?” Wendy asked.
“Not really, but I thought I was the only one that was that paranoid.”
“Better than being dead.”
“You’re morbid today.”
“But I’m alive.”
Jeff laughed. “Fine, you have me there.”
The radio crackled to life. “We might have found the entrance,” Riggs
said. “Northeast corner of the complex.”
Wendy and Jeff shared a flat stare. They were on the southwest corner.
“On our way,” Wendy answered through the radio.
“I’d race you, but your legs are way too short to keep up,” Jeff said.
Wendy shot him a scowl. “You sound like Kev.”
“Maybe Kev is smarter than he looks.”
“Let me punch you first. Just one shot. Give me a head start.”
“Do I look like an idiot?”
“Do I have to answer that?”
Wendy’s lips spread into a grin as she and Jeff started to jog back
around the complex. She liked it when she could let go of the pain inside. Even
if only for a few minutes. And Jeff had a knack for helping her do just that.
Even moving fast, Jeff’s ears and eyes were alert. He swerved, grabbed
Wendy and tossed them both to the ground before Wendy registered the rustle in
the bushes by the shield. He rolled, putting himself between her and the
danger. Wendy pulled her gun out and got ready.
A soft whine preceded a bright flash, which left a two-foot wide
smoldering patch of the forest floor where they had been standing a moment
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